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congratulations sms,Congratulations Messages Text - 100 Greetings

Congratulations wishes for result,Congratulations messages for achievement,Heartiest congratulations,Congratulation sms for promotion,Congratulations quotes for success,Congratulations message for promotion,Congratulations messages for team achievement,Congratulations message for marriage,Letter of congratulations on achievement,Congratulation Message for honor daughter,Congratulations message for award,Congratulations message for students.

congratulations sms

My greatest pleasure is to see you victorious over all the hurdles in life. You deserve the biggest congratulations for all your hard works!.

Congratulations!, You've run the course and passed the exams! There is no secret of success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure. Well done!.

Congratulations sms

No matter where you are, 
no matter what you do, 
never stop believing in the genius within you. 
Congratulations on your graduation.

You have done everything possible that an ideal colleague would do
And for that I want to give a congratulatory pat on the back to you. 

Every time you excel at a task, 
you are indirectly investing in yourself. 
Next time, you will strive to do better 
which will result in better rewards. 

Well Done are the two words 
that will make your five thousand word research project 
totally worth it. Good going.

Some people in our office dress suavely, 
some talk with panache 
and some carry themselves nicely to make good impressions. 
But you are one of the few people 
who cut the nonsense and just rely on getting jobs done 
to make the perfect impressions. 

Every good job is the beginning of good things to come. 
May this one be the start of many other jobs 
that make your future awesome. 

A job that is well done is like a benchmark. 
It will help you do a better job the next time. 

Congratulations for realizing that 
Hard Work is the best key to unlock doors of Opportunity and Success. 
Well done.

Many others failed because they had a lot of excuses. 
You succeeded because you didn’t have any. 

Your hard work has proved 
that this job was destined for you. 
You have made me realize 
that I made the right decision by delegating it to you. 

 A lot of people wait for opportunities to come 
and knock on their door. 
Only few people like you step out to look for them. 
No wonder, you are a winner. 

The feeling of doing a good job 
is like burping in satisfaction 
after having the last spoon of dessert. 
Congratulations for your burp.

Every time you do a good job, 
you polish yourself one more time. 
Shine on mate, 

 Even the smallest of jobs well done 
will take you one step closer towards the success 
that you have always dreamed about. Keep it up.

This message is to recognize your contribution in the team’s success. 
Your commitment has been exemplary 
and your hard work is an inspiration to everyone around you. 

 You may have listed your college degree 
but you have forgotten to add your most important skills in your resume  
Perseverance. Congratulations for completing the project, well done.

There is nothing I can say 
which will have a greater impact than 
what you have done. Good job.

If our team were a car, 
you would be the fuel that accelerates it to its limits. 

The amount of work and effort you 
put into your job is way more than your salary. 
If you keep working like this, 
that equation might be reversed. 

People like you take the IM out of impossible 
by becoming PRO at tackling problems. 

Your contribution to the project proves what we already knew 
that you are a strong team player and a connoisseur of excellence. 

You have proved that lack of experience in a job doesn’t really matter 
when there is a strong urge for excellence and perfection. 

Not a single effort of yours will go in vain. 
You will be rewarded for your pain. 
Your hard work will bring you a lot of gain. 

A job well done is the epitaph of mediocrity 
and the prologue of excellence. 

Doing a good job is not always about impressive innovation. 
Sometimes it is only about doing something with plain dedication. 

Any job well done is a one-time investment 
which will reap rewards for the rest of your life in the form of skill, 
expertise and goodwill. 
Well done, mate.

Self-Belief is the fine line 
which separates the successful from the naysayers. 
You have lots of it. 

You have a habit of outdoing everyone else, 
but this time you outdid yourself. 

Pursuing excellence is not a one time job.
It is a way of life. 
Good job.

Skills can be imparted, 
but the will to persist and persevere is inborn.
A talent you have been blessed with.

Your work speaks volumes of the kind of man
 you are  efficient, 
organized and result-oriented.

The tipping point between a boy and a man is a job well done. 

Congratulations Messages

A lot of people in this office are busy Planning, 
Discussing and Strategizing. 
You are the only one busy Doing. 
Well done.

Less problems, 
more solutions
keep working like this 
and nothing will be able to stop you from reaching the top. 
Good job.

One job well done can be redemption 
for many a mistake of the past.
Keep it up.

May success follow you, each and every place you go. 
In the halo of prosperity, may you always glow. 
May you get everything, that you could ever ask for. 
Great times lie ahead for you, of that we are very sure.

Doing anything with perfection is like wearing an impeccable suit 
the best way to make a great impression. 

A lot of people failed at what you accomplished, 
simply because they were busy finding problems 
while you were busy finding solutions. 

Dear teacher…
You are the one
Who gave me knowledge
You are the one
Who prepared me for college
You are the one
Who made me surge ahead
The spirit of excellence
In my soul, you have bred
I salute everything
That you have done for me
Seeing you retire and leave
I cannot bear to see

Dear teacher…
What we will lose
Your family will gain
We will be the ones
Left in excruciating pain
But you will leave us
A precious legacy
By making us the best
Students that we could be

You have made the right decision in buying a Chevy, 
because Chevrolet is a part of America’s great history.

You spent thousands 
and thousands of dollars on a new car. 
I hope you will spend a fraction of 
that amount to celebrate 
the purchase with your old friends. 
Congratulations mate.

Buying such an expensive ride is the best decision 
you have ever made, 
although I don’t even want to imagine 
how much you must have paid. 
Congratulations for your cool ride.

Do you know the common thing 
between your first love and your first car? 
You will forget neither. 
Congratulations for such a sweet ride.

I hope that your new car, 
takes you on journeys near and far. 

Your new car is another addition to the long list of things I envy you for. 

I hate you for buying such a cool pickup truck, 
now my car is just going to suck.
 Congratulations anyway.

Your new car is not amazing 
because it has a good engine in it. 
Your new car is amazing because you are riding it. 

I am surprised that you bought yourself a new Jeep. 
Now I definitely know that you are not cheap. 

First you learnt to stand on your own two feet, 
now you are riding on your own wheels. 
I wish that success follows you everywhere you go. 
Congratulations for your new car.

You have proved that you have a big pocket by splurging on 
such an expensive new car. 
Now you must show that you have a big heart 
too by taking us friends for fun rides. 

The Dodge Charger has a cult following
 because it is iconic and legendary. 
Its keys have come into the hands of a cool person like you, 
very deservingly. 

As the years go by, 
your first car will gradually rust and die. 
But thinking about its sweet memories, 
will always remind you of the time 
when you first turned its keys. 

Asanti wheels, 
Borla exhaust and Brembo brakes 
your expensive custom ride is a world apart from the cheap fakes. 
Congratulations for your new ride bro.

You got a V8 under the hood, 
that’ll put you ahead of the pack for good. 
Congratulations for you new machine.

Your new car shows that you have expensive taste, 
luxurious sense of style a die-hard need for speed.

Finally you got rid of your rickety old wheels, 
and replaced them with a car that looks hot, 
like a woman in high heels. 
Congratulations mate.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
So the journey to a new Ferrari 
begins with your new hatchback. 

Congratulations on buying a new car, 
I am so happy for you 
but I am also happy for me too. 
You can take me on rides, 
drive me around and pick me up 
whenever I call you.

The Ford pickup is a legend, known for its 
and rugged attitude. 
If only you had the same qualities too. 

Your hot new car will get you a lot of new dates, 
I just hope you don’t forget your old mates.
 Congratulations buddy.

May your new car take you to new places 
with new people and open up new opportunities in your life. 

Greetings messages

A new car is a lot more than just a new set of wheels. 
It is something with which you will associate beautiful memories. 

Congratulations sms

Your first car is the only vehicle 
that you will truly love while you own it 
and dearly miss after you sell it, 
from the bottom of your heart.
Congratulation Enjoy it.

Your new SUV will never ride empty, 
friends like me will fit in plenty. 

It is great to be driving, but don’t give up on walking. 
Congratulations for new Honda, 
but I hope you don’t become a lazy panda.

When you both got married, 
you became a lucky couple. 
When you had your first child, 
you became luckier. 
Now that you have become parents for the second time, 
you have become the luckiest. 

You already had the cutest child 
and now you have given birth to yet another cute toddler. 
How will you be able to handle this overdose of cuteness?

Remember how your firstborn took up all your time 
and became the priority of your life? 
So don’t worry, it is not possible for the second child 
to take up any more time. 

The concept of motherhood is so deep, 
that just having a child doesn’t make a woman a mother. 
But you have been such a loving and caring mom to your firstborn, 
that you had earned the right to call yourself a mother 
even before your second child was born. 

The beauty of becoming parents again 
is that you have experience by your side. 

Your first bundle of joy already arrived with your firstborn. 
With the arrival of your second child, 
your family has received tub loads of joy. 

A second child is god’s way of saying that you 
both have been excellent parents to your first newborn. 
He wanted another baby to be born in the caring arms of parents like you. 

Parenting is a full-time job. 
Congratulations to you 
and your husband for snapping up yet another role.

Congratulations to the mommy for embracing motherhood 
and to the daddy for taking on fatherhood yet again.

If your first child is anything to go by, 
your second child is going to have the best upbringing ever. 
Congratulations to the best parents in the world.

You are different from all other parents 
because you are less of a nagging mother
 and more of a model human being that your children can strive to be. 
Your newborn is lucky to be born in the arms of such a wonderful parent. 

Congratulations for giving your firstborn child the most precious gift ever  
a little brother.

Just when I thought that your life was perfect, 
it became better. Congratulations for your second baby.

Congratulations for becoming a mother for the second time 
and thank you for making me an uncle to another cute toddler.

Your firstborn may not realize this 
but with the birth of your second child, 
he has just been given the best form of friendship, 
support and lifelong love anyone can ever have 
a sibling. Congratulations to the happy parents.

You are so fertile.

The experience of raising your first child will help you 
giving your second child an even better childhood. 

I officially declare you the strongest woman in the world 
to be able to tolerate the pains of labor 
and the sleepless nights that will now ensue, 
for a second time around. 
Congratulations to the new mommy.

 I feel happy that you have given your young daughter a little brother.
 But I am happier that you have given me an adorable nephew. 

 As human beings, 
you both have so many qualities 
that it would have been impossible 
to for one child to inherit all of them.
 Now you can pass on some of those qualities
to your second bundle of joy. 

Your first child was your first step at becoming a mother and a father. 
Your second child is the final step in your journey 
to become a loving family. Congratulations.

Congratulations for giving birth for the second time. 
You are on your way to officially earn the degree Masters of Changing Nappies.

 The feeling of having your newborn place 
its head on your chest for the first time as you 
cuddle its tiny fingers is one of the miracles of life. 
You are lucky to have experienced it twice. 

The beauty of giving birth is 
much realized in hindsight. 
Ask any old woman how she felt when she gave birth to her child 
and a beautiful smile will light up her face. 
Now you have two reasons to keep you smiling for a lifetime. 

The love of a newborn baby is pure, 
innocent and blissful. 
Congratulations for being able to experience it for the second time.

A second baby means double the cuteness, 
double the sweetness 
and double the happiness in your family. 

In the day and age 
when children are seen as a responsibility,
 it is wonderful to see parents embracing parenthood 
as a blessing. Congratulations for becoming parents again.

Cupid smiled upon you when you became a couple. 
The heavens smiled upon you when you got married. 
Angels blessed you when you became parents for the first time. 
The gods themselves have showered you with blessings, 
as you have become parents yet again. 

The best part of having a second child is that 
no one will try to give you parenting advice 
because they know you have already done this before. 

A loving and handsome father, 
caring and beautiful mother, pretty and bubbly daughter,
 and now a cute son like no other. 
Congratulations for becoming the perfect family.

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